Medical Board of California v. Hason

  • Medical Board of California v. Michael J. Hason

    DREDF prepared an amicus curiae brief for the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of Senators Kennedy and Harkin, former Senator Dole, and Representative Hoyer in the case of Medical Board of California v. Michael J. Hason. The issue in the Hason case was whether Congress has the constitutional authority to subject states to suits for money damages under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

    In February 2003, the California Medical Board decided not to pursue its Supreme Court petition in the Hason case in response to concerns about the litigation’s possible effect on the Americans with Disabilities Act that had been raised by California disability rights advocates, Attorney General Bill Lockyer, and Governor Gray Davis. In March 2003 the Supreme Court removed Hason from the calendar. (March 2003)

    Read the article in the San Francisco Chronicle.