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July 2, 2013

DREDF and National Senior Citizens Law Center Release New Advocate's Guide on California's Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI)

The Advocate's Guide to California's Coordinated Care Initiative helps advocates understand the Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI), a new state program that is changing the way people who have both Medicare and Medi–Cal (referred to as dual eligible beneficiaries) and other seniors and people with disabilities get their health care in eight California counties.

The Guide includes a description of the CCI, information on who will be included, how they will be affected, why California is implementing the CCI, and when and where the new program will be taking place. The Guide, which will be updated as program rules are developed, also includes a pull–out table that advocates can use to determine which beneficiaries the CCI includes and how it affects them.

The National Senior Citizens Law Center and the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF) coauthored the guide.