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Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund. Advocating for Disability Civil Rights since 1979

In This Issue

California's Family Participation Fund

November 2009


Dear Friends and Family Caregivers,

This Special EDition contains information on funds available to students and families who participate in policy-making meetings related to the education of students with disabilities in California.

As caregivers of students with disabilities, you have an important role in the development of education policy. In fact, parent participation is a primary tenant of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).  In an effort to support students and family members involved in local and state decision making efforts, the California Department of Education (CDE), through the State Improvement Grant, established the Family Participation Fund.

What is the Family Participation Fund?

The Family Participation Fund, administered by the California Association of Family Empowerment Centers (CAFEC) offers financial reimbursements up to $1000 per family per year for attendance at decision-making meetings regarding your child's education.

Reimbursement is given on a meeting-by-meeting basis, with stipends of $50 available for half-day meetings (four hours or less), and $100 stipend payments available for full day meetings (over four hours). Stipend amounts for meetings lasting more than one day are calculated according to the length of the meeting. For example, attendance at a meeting lasting 2.5 days could earn $250.

Due to limited funds, stipend payments are limited to one family member per meeting, two meetings per month, and $1000 per family per contract year. Funds are not guaranteed and will be distributed in the order of requests received as long as funding is available.

NOTE: Stipend counts as taxable income. Reimbursements do not.

What types of meetings qualify?

The Family Participation Fund provides stipends for family participation at meetings where policy decisions are made about issues affecting the education of children with disabilities. This includes Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) Community Advisory Committee (CAC) meetings, SELPA and school district task force meetings, and school district board meetings. Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC) meetings and State Special Education Advisory Committees are also accepted.

Stipends are not available for time spent at trainings, workshops, conferences or lobbying events.

Visit the DREDF "Upcoming Events" web page for information on CAC meetings scheduled in Alameda, Yolo, and Contra Costa counties.

Do I qualify for funding?

Students with a disability and their family members qualify for Family Participation Fund stipends. Families who are already receiving a stipend from the agency conducting the meeting do not qualify for funds.

How do I apply?

Three forms must be filled out when you apply for funding:

1. Stipend Request Form


Stipend requests can be submitted either in advance or within 30 days of the meeting you attend.  Remember to submit the meeting agenda with the claim. Also, make sure to include your Social Security Number and signature on the document.

2. Request for Reimbursement of Other Expenses


Reimbursements are available for airfare, bus or train fare, car mileage, lodging, meals, and childcare. Reimbursements cannot be applied for in advance of the meeting, and receipts (or bus/train tickets) must be included with the requests. Lodging reimbursements are limited to $84/day and meals to $37/day. Mileage reimbursement is calculated at $.34/mile.

3. The Family Participation Fund Survey


While answers to this survey are not considered when determining fund eligibility, your responses are used by California Services for Technical Assistance and Training (CalSTAT) to evaluate the success of the program.

Where do I send my completed forms?

Fax to CAFEC: (916) 325-1699, or
Mail to CAFEC: 1029 J Street, Suite 120, Sacramento, CA 95814

How do I get more information?

Call CAFEC: (916) 325-1690 X306, or
Visit CAFEC on the web
Frequently Asked Questions


Understanding the Special Education Process:
An overview of the special education process, Section 504, and IDEA laws.

Date: Second Monday of the month, except August
Next Offered: December 14, 2009
Time: 6:30 - 9:00 pm (Pizza included!)
Where: DREDF, 2212 Sixth St, Berkeley, CA

To Register: Contact Katie at (510)644-2555 or

© 2009

Advocacy Tip of the Month:
Networking with other families is an effective form of advocacy.


CAC - Community Advisory Committee

CAFEC - California Association of Family Empowerment Centers

CalSTAT - California Services for Technical Assistance and Training

CDE - California Department of Education

ICC - Interagency Coordinating Council

IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

LEA - Local Education Agency; i.e., the school district

SELPA - Special Education Local Plan Area

Related Links:


SF Bay Area Resources

Parent Training and Information Center

Special Education Resources

Family Participation Fund

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2212 Sixth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710