The Education Code – Relating to Pupil Rights

An act to amend Sections 48900 and 48900.5 of the Education Code, relating to pupil rights.


AB 1729 authorizes schools to document alternative means of correction taken prior to suspension or expulsion, and provides additional alternatives to suspension and expulsion for superintendents and principals in the state school discipline codes.


Approved by Governor September 21, 2012. Filed Secretary of State September 21, 2012.

Our Position: Support

Superintendents and principals deal with discipline almost exclusively through suspension or expulsion despite research which correlates exclusionary discipline with lower academic achievement, lower graduation rates and increased pupil dropout rates– all without making campuses safer. AB 1729 would reaffirm that superintendents and school principals have the discretion to implement alternatives to suspension and expulsion and expressly authorize documentation of use of any of these alternatives prior to suspension or expulsion to address student misbehavior. The bill is designed to correct the root causes of the pupil’s misbehavior, account for any individuated education plans, and the age of the student.