DREDF eNews ACTION ALERT January 26, 2010 In This Issue URGENT Tell Congress to Move Forward with a Health Care Bill Now Main Column Dear Friends, Millions of Americans with disabilities and chronic conditions have been counting on Congress to pass a final health care reform bill. We need this bill NOW, and time is running out. Over the next few days, please call your Representative and Senators and tell them to pass meaningful health care legislation. Congress has never been this close to reforming health care. Members of Congress and other stakeholders, including the disability community, have spent countless hours hammering out the details — we must not let this opportunity go to waste. “Thanks for trying” is not good enough. Please tell your members of Congress, in both the House and the Senate and on both sides of the aisle—if they want your vote, they need to deliver. Individuals with disabilities and chronic conditions desperately need access to high quality, comprehensive, affordable health care. Now Is the Time!. Contact your members of Congress today! Tell them we can’t wait; they must pass health care legislation already approved by the House and the Senate. Call today: a telephone call is the most effective contact. Use the toll-free number 1-800-828-0498 or reach your Senators and Representative (and their legislative staffs) at the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121.   Members’ direct lines are available through Congress.org (put in your zipcode, click on each member you want to contact, then go to their contact tab) or http://www.thomas.gov/home/contactingcongress.html. You can also find Senators’ contact information at http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm and Representatives’ contacts at http://www.house.gov/. We must tell every member of Congress that they must act now to pass a health care bill. Here is a sample set of talking points! Right Sidebar Resources DREDF on Access to Health Care http://www.dredf.org/healthcare/index.shtml The State of Healthcare for People with Disabilities, National Council on Disability http://www.ncd.gov/newsroom/publications/2009/pdf/HealthCare.pdf Bazelon Center for Mental Health http://www.bazelon.org/issues/healthreform/ Health Care for America Now http://healthcareforamericanow.org/ Disability Coalition for Healthcare Reform http://www.paraquad.org/Policy/HealthcareReform.html American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (AAHSA) Health Reform Hub http://aahsa.org/healthreformhub.aspx Visit DREDF on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/DREDF.org Visit DREDF on Twitter http://twitter.com/DREDF Donate www.dredf.org/donate.shtml Combined Federal Campaign #11944 Support DREDF when you shop. Changing the Present http://changingthepresent.org/ iGive www.igive.com Contact Us info@dredf.org www.dredf.org 2212 Sixth Street Berkeley, CA 94710 510-644-2555 800-348-4232