Event Flash January 28, 2010 In This Issue Workshop on Evaluating and Applying Health Information Main Column Dear Friends and Family Caregivers, Overwhelmed by contradictory evidence about health conditions and health care? Skeptical of claims made about treatments? Come to a FREE skill-building workshop on how to evaluate research for use in health care decision making! Join us on March 4 for a workshop on evaluating and applying health information, put on by DREDF and researchers from the Department of Clinical Pharmacy at the University of California, San Francisco. Using a combination of talks, discussions, and hands-on practice sessions, this workshop will increase your ability to: * Evaluate the validity of health research and other sources of health information * Identify how studies can be biased and results misrepresented * Judge whether a study’s results are true, important, and if they apply to you * Challenge claims that result from biased and poor-quality research * Use high-quality research and other sources of reliable information to ask good questions, talk to policy makers, and make good health care decisions for yourself and your family What Evaluating and Applying Health Information Who Health care consumers, parents of children with disabilities, and advocates When March 4, 2010, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Where The California Endowment Conference Center, 1111 Broadway (at 11th Street), 7th floor, Oakland, CA Presented By The Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund and researchers from the Department of Clinical Pharmacy, University of California, San Francisco RSVP/Request ADA accommodations by February 4 to bolandm@pharmacy.ucsf.edu or 415-502-8183 Questions? Contact Donna.Odierna@ucsf.edu or 415-502-8227 Workshop attendees will be invited to take part in a voluntary study about the effectiveness of teaching research evaluation skills to diverse groups of participants. Right Sidebar Donate www.dredf.org/donate.shtml Combined Federal Campaign #11944 Changing the Present http://changingthepresent.org/ iGive www.igive.com Support DREDF when you shop. Contact Us info@dredf.org www.dredf.org 2212 Sixth St Berkeley, CA 94710 510-644-2555 800-348-4232