
DREDF letter Opposing HR 3765

  • Accessibility
  • Civil Rights
  • Disability Rights
  • Equal Rights
  • Federal Legislative Positions
  • Human Rights
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act

Action Alert

California Now Accepting Applications to Compensate Sterilization Survivors

Press Release

Lawsuit Filed Against Alameda County for Its Failed Mental Health System

  • Disability Rights
  • Mental Health

Public Comment

HCBS Documents relating to the Coordinated Care Initiative

  • Long-Term Services and Supports
  • LTSS
  • US Department of Health and Human Services

Press Release

American Council of the Blind and 3,000,000 Blind and Visually Impaired SSA Recipients Win Major Legal Victory

  • SSA


2014-15 Community Impact Highlights

  • Captioning
  • Technology
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Universal Design

Public Comment

Comments on Proposed Information Collection on 2020 Census

General, Public Comment

DREDF and the Community Living Policy Center submit comments on CMS Proposed Rules on Integration for People Dually Enrolled in Medicare & Medicaid

Public Comment

DREDF Comment in Support of the Preservation of the Existing Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Rule

Public Comment

Standards Related to EHBs

  • EHB
  • EHR
  • Electronic Health Records
  • Essential Health Benefits
  • Healthcare
  • US Department of Health and Human Services