Paper cut outs of hands reaching to a paper cut out of a house


Housing Out Of Reach

  • Housing
A female presenting person sits on a living room floor with a folder and a laptop


Know Your Rights: Government Rent Subsidies and Credit Scores in Tenant Screening

  • Housing
Black and white photo from 504 Sit-Ins of protesters in San Francisco outside of the HEW building


Section 504 Turns 51 Today!

  • Civil Rights
An abstract image of people with different disabilities.


Project 2025 and the Disability Community

  • Education
  • Healthcare Access
  • Housing
  • Reproductive Justice
  • Transportation
Top of the California State Capitol Dome in Sacramento, CA


DREDF Opposed SB 1196’s Proposed Expansion of Assisted Suicide – Here’s Why

  • Assisted Suicide
soldier at a laptop speaking with an older masculine hispanic presenting person in an emergency shelter


Know Your Rights: Housing and Shelter for People with Disabilities During Disasters and Emergencies

  • Housing
Grants Pass, Oregon, USA on a map.


What is the Grants Pass Case, and Why is it Important to People with Disabilities?

  • Housing
Street art on a concrete wall with words that read


Speaking the Truth About Section 8

  • Housing
Black and white interior of Union Station in Washington, DC. The ceiling is vast, arching and ornate. Statues stand tall below an arch way. Photo by Andra C Taylor Jr on Unsplash.


Understanding How the ADA Applies to Historic Properties

  • Housing
People marching and roll holding up a large pride flag together


Supporting Community: Developing Pride & Empowerment Across Identities