Request for Compensatory Education Services – 504 Plan


[Your Name]
[Your Email]
[Your Telephone Number]

[Name of Head of Student Support Services]
[Email for Head of Student Support Services]
[Name of Your Child’s School]

[Name of Child]
[Date of Birth]

Request for Compensatory Education

My child has a 504 plan. We had problems with school during the pandemic and my child did not get everything in their plan. Because of this, my child did not meet their goals or learn as much as they could have.

[Write here about the problems your child had with school during the pandemic. Say if your child missed school or did not get services in their plan. Try to say all the problems with school that happened during the pandemic.]

My child needs extra help now because they did not get services or a good education during the pandemic.

[Write here about why your child needs extra help now. Say if your child has stopped learning or if your child has lost learning.]

I ask for “compensatory education” or extra help for my child.

The law says you have to think about what my child needs now to fix the problems from the pandemic. You have to set up a meeting with me and with other people who know about my child to make a plan. I ask that you set up a meeting right away so that we can make a plan to give my child extra help.

Please let me know that you got this letter. Please tell me when we can meet.


[Your Name]