Request IEP Team Meeting for a Student Who Has IEP


Use this letter if your child has an IEP in place and is receiving special education services, OR, for youth age 18 or older, YOU the student are requesting an IEP meeting. It’s always best to start with an IEP meeting when you have concerns about special education to try to resolve problems directly with the team, whenever possible. Your letter should include specific issues/agenda items you want to discuss. You do NOT have to wait for an annual (yearly) IEP to bring the IEP team together. Meeting more often can help make the IEP more INDIVIDUALIZED and effective because the team can review data and concerns to adjust the program at any time.

  • Submit a WRITTEN LETTER to the School District Special Education administrator. Copy the case manager, program specialist, principal,) or others as needed.
  • If you plan to BRING OTHERS to support you (a friend, care provider, other specialist, advocate or attorney) to the meeting, let the administrator know so there is enough time and space available at the meeting.
  • If you have DOCUMENTATION you want to share (work samples, test results, letters from therapist, doctor, etc.), include them or let the team know that you will be providing them, even though you are NOT required to do so.
  • If you plan to RECORD the meeting, say so in the letter because 24 hours advance notice is required.
  • Keep PROOF of when this request is delivered. Legal timelines apply. In California, the meeting must be held no more than 30 days from the date the school/district receives your WRITTEN request, but remember any school break of MORE than 5 days does not count in the 30 day timeline.
  • If previous meetings have not been effective, ask that an IEP FACILITATOR lead the meeting to keep the team on track, and focused on the needs of the student so that you can participate in a meaningful way. See About IEP Facilitation from the Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education (CADRE)
  • Reasons why you might want to bring IEP team together
    • Inadequate academic progress (student is failing a subject, not learning to read, not earning high school credits to graduate).
    • Inadequate progress toward IEP goals.
    • New or unidentified needs (mental health, behavior problems, lack of academic progress, communication or social skills difficulties).
    • You want to meet to develop or discuss the Individual Transition Plan.
    • Behavior problems, suspensions, calls to the parent to pick the student up early or attend school with them.
    • Accommodations, modifications, services, goals, or placement are not appropriate/working
    • Safety concerns, social difficulties, bullying
    • Healthcare needs (including mental health, medication management)
    • The IEP isn’t being followed, or services are not being provided by a qualified professional (teacher isn’t credentialed, substitutes, etc.)
    • More evaluation or assessment may be needed to determine educational needs (behavior, assistive technology, transition support, mental health, etc.)
    • Other

The basic template for the letter is below:


Request for IEP/Special Education Meeting

[Date Delivered]

How Delivered:
[Email, In person, Registered/certified mail, or Fax]

Delivered To:
[Special Education Administrator Name]
[Name of Charter School or School District]
[City, CA Zip Code]

[Parent/Caregiver or if over 18, Student’s Name]
[email/phone number]

[Student’s name, school, grade]

Dear Special Education Administrator:

I am requesting that an IEP meeting be held as soon as possible and in nmore than 30 days as required by law. I am requesting a meeting because:

[Describe the reason for the meeting]

The best way to reach me is by:

The best times to reach me are:
[List times]

I prefer that the meeting be held:
[remotely/in person]

I will be bringing the following people with me to the meeting:
[Names of people]

I will need an interpreter in the following language who understands special education. I can participate effectively in the meeting:

Please schedule enough time for the meeting so that we can discuss my concerns and get input from all team members. I expect that all team members will be present for the duration of the meeting. It is essential that a special education administrator attend the meeting who can commit resources on behalf of the local educational agency (LEA).

I do NOT agree to excuse required team members for any portion of the meeting UNLESS the District seeks my approval and consideration with reasonable justification prior the meeting so that I can consider whether that person’s input is needed or the meeting should be rescheduled.

Thank you in advance for your prompt action regarding this request. I look forward to meeting with the IEP team within 30 calendar days from your receipt of this request so that we can move forward together to adjust/improve the IEP as needed and address my concerns.


[Your signature]

[Your Name]

Relationship to Student:
[Student, Parent, Foster Parent, CASA, etc.]

Copies to:
[Names of People Copied]