Request for Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)

[NOTE:  This process is driven by timelines. Get a receipt to show proof of delivery.]

[Parent/Guardian/Education Rights Holder Name]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Telephone Number / Email]

Delivered via:
[Fax, Registered Mail, In person]

[Administrator Name]
[Director of Special Education]
[School District]
[Street Address of Special Education Office]
[City, State, Zip]

[Student Name]
[Date of Birth]

[Name of Current School]

Dear [Administrator Name]

I am writing to refer my son/daughter for assessment to determine the needs for additional special education services and supports. He/she currently has an IEP and has been experiencing ongoing challenges in the area of behavior.

[List some of the student’s behavioral concerns impeding learning and ability to benefit from his/her education]

I request that the [Name of School District] conduct a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) performed by a qualified Behaviorist to determine these needs and to develop a Positive Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) and other related services to benefit from his/her public education in the least restrictive environment (LRE).

I look forward to receiving an Assessment Plan within the next 15 calendar days for my review and consent. I understand that I may take at least 15 additional calendar days to ask any questions I may have about the Assessment Plan, including proposed qualified evaluators, to ensure that I am provided with necessary informed consent.

I look forward to our IEP team meeting within 60 calendar days from my consent to the Assessment Plan to discuss the findings so that we may develop an appropriate and individualized plan to meet my child’s unique educational needs. Please contact me to schedule the IEP team meeting with adequate advance written notice so that we may schedule the meeting at a mutually agreed upon time and place.

Please provide all assessment reports to me at least 5 business days in advance of any IEP meeting that will be held to discuss these findings so that I am provided with adequate time to prepare for the IEP meeting and fully participate as a member of the IEP team.

I understand that if evaluation is refused that I am required to receive Prior Written Notice (PWN) that meets the requirements of IDEA.

Thank you in advance for your prompt action regarding this request. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.



[Parent/Guardian/Education Rights Holder Name]

Copies to: [School Principal, and other members of child’s educational team as needed]