What You Can Do To Save Medicaid Protections for Disabled Americans

Speculation abounds about which version of various health care bills currently under consideration by the Senate will be voted on Tuesday, July 25. That said, news outlets are unanimous in reporting that a vote, of some sort, will occur.

No matter what bill is voted on, the proposals under consideration by the United States Senate will hurt individuals with disabilities and their families. The drastic cuts to Medicaid protections will force states to prioritize among the needs of low income and vulnerable senior citizens, people with disabilities, children, and pregnant women.  Essential home and community-based services and other supports that are critical to the well-being and independence of disabled Americans stand the greatest risk of being cut.  The repeal of the ACA’s key consumer protections, including hard fought for health care coverage, is on the chopping block in every proposal being discussed.  If adopted, these provisions would diminish or eliminate coverage for millions of disabled Americans.

The unifying message is to urge all senators to #SaveMedicaid by voting “NO” on these bills. People should also tell Senators to vote “NO” on the procedurial motion to proceed debate that must be agreed to before voting to ‘repeal and/or replace’ provisions of the ACA.  

Call your Senator: 202-224-3121
Call Senate Majority Leader McConnell: 202-224-2541
Contact your governor

SHORT SCRIPT: “As a constituent and a [disabled Amerian/parent of a child with disabilities/supporter of people with disabilities], I urge Senator [NAME] to vote NO on *any* of the health care bills currently before the Senate.”


  • Senator [NAME] should vote “NO” on the Better Care Reconciliation Act and oppose all bills that seek to rollback to Medicaid protections. Since all of the bills under consideration seek to cut Medicaid expansion, the Senator should also vote “NO” on the procedural motion to proceed.


  • Medicaid is the backbone of our health care system. It allows low-income individuals who do not receive health coverage through employment or who cannot afford adequate private coverage to maintain their health and remain in the community.
  • Medicaid provides critically needed services for people with disabilities including community supports, employment services, and vital programs that help people stay in the community rather than warehoused in institutions or nursing homes. Other types of services help disabled students attend classes with their peers.
  • Every bill under consideration would end Medicaid expansion, which has provided the means for millions of disabled Americans to receive essential supports and services. If Medicaid expansion provided under the ACA is repealed without any replacement, millions of disabled Ameicans will lose health care protections and, with along with it, their independence.

Learn More About WHY MEDICAID MATTERS to millions of disabled Americans, watch the new DREDF videos that illustrate what the disability community will lose if Medicaid protections are repealed.

DREDF relies on contributions from our supporters to ensure that we can continue the fight for Medicaid protections and other supports, services and civil rights disabilities. Please consider making a donation today.

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