In Memoriam

In Memory of Neil Jacobson

May 22, 2023
We are very sad to report that our longtime friend and colleague, Neil Jacobson, died on May 10, 2023, at his home in Oakland, California. Neil was a committed disability rights advocate and a supreme optimist. When someone told him that something was too complex, expensive, or impractical, he unfailingly said, "Why?" He insisted that it was possible to achieve any goal by simply persevering and believing in the righteousness of its purpose. He ended every email and conversation by saying, "Go, go, go!" That drive, tenacity, and, yes, stubbornness enabled Neil to convince his wife and life partner, Denise, to marry him and to persuade the social service bureaucracy that they should adopt their son, David. Neil himself acknowledged that his life was filled with joy and happiness. During Neil's memorial service, family members recalled him saying, "I'm the luckiest guy in the world."

In Memory of Judy Heumann (1947 – 2023)

March 5, 2023
There's a larger-than-life photo of Judy Heumann in the rotunda of the Ed Roberts Campus in Berkeley, California, where DREDF's office is located. We have rolled or walked past her image thousands of times, but the photo never just blends into the background—like Judy, it always draws our attention.

In Memory of Talina Jones 1980 – 2022

January 13, 2023
On December 27, 2022, we lost Talina Jones, a passionate advocate for disabled children and their families and an activist and scholar working at the intersection of ableism and racism. We share in the grief of her family, friends, and colleagues, and send our deepest sympathies to all her loved her.

In Memory of Marilyn Golden

September 22, 2021
Marilyn Golden, senior policy analyst for DREDF, died at home on September 21, 2021, surrounded by her family. A long-time disability rights advocate, she played a key role in the development, passage, and implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Her advocacy molded and shaped accessibility in the United States and improved architectural access and standards worldwide. She spent more than three decades working to see that the ADA was implemented and enforced, and teaching others the value of disability civil rights via, and beyond the law. [...]

Stacey Milbern Park

May 20, 2020
What a blow to lose Stacey when our communities need her leadership more than ever, and at a time when her strength, insight, and grit were receiving increased recognition outside of disability circles, giving her a greater platform to advance her life’s work. We will not have the gift of learning where her charismatic leadership would have taken us. But let there be no doubt: What Stacey gave us, in a relatively short time, will continue benefiting others for years to come.