IEP Basics and Beyond


If a child has a disability or suspected disability, important state and federal laws protect their right to an education. Learn how the IEP/special education process works, what the school […]

Readily Accessible Lawyering for CARE Court Respondents


Join Claudia Center and Kavya Parthiban from Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund (DREDF) for a one-hour training on readily accessible lawyering for counsel representing CARE Court respondents. This session […]

Seccion 504 y las Escuelas Publicas: Creando Aceso, Removiendo Barreras


La Sección 504 es una importante ley de derechos civiles contra la discriminación por discapacidad. Este seminario web se centra en cómo se aplica esta ley en las escuelas, cómo asegurarse de que se individualiza y se aplica y qué hacer si surgen problemas.   Debe registrarse con anticipación para esta capacitación: Enlace de registro

IEP Basics and Beyond


If a child has a disability or suspected disability, important state and federal laws protect their right to an education. Learn how the IEP/special education process works, what the school […]

Supporting Young Children with Disabilities


Children ages 3 through early elementary school often require special education support in order to learn and make progress at school in their least restrictive environment. This webinar focuses on […]

Apoyo a Niños Pequeños con Discapacidad


Los niños de 3 años hasta principios de la escuela primaria a menudo requieren apoyo de educación especial con el fin de aprender y progresar en la escuela en su […]

IEP Basics and Beyond


If a child has a disability or suspected disability, important state and federal laws protect their right to an education. Learn how the IEP/special education process works, what the school […]