Disability, Race & Equity: Exploring Intersectionality, Advancing Justice

Santa Clara County Office of Education 1290 Ridder Park Dr, San Jose, CA, United States

Around 144,000 residents of Santa Clara County have a disability. The disability community experiences a number of poorer outcomes compared to the general population. People with disabilities are twice as likely […]

IEP Basics and Beyond


If a child has a disability or suspected disability, important state and federal laws protect their right to an education. Learn how the IEP/special education process works, what the school […]

Cómo Leer el IEP: Entendiendo un documento legal importante

Osher Boardroom 3075 Adeline St, Berekeley, United States

Es importante saber lo que "ofrece" un programa educativo individualizado a un estudiante con discapacidades.   En este taller hablaremos cómo entender que el IEP este correcto, completo, apropiado, cumpla con la […]

IEP Basics and Beyond


If a child has a disability or suspected disability, important state and federal laws protect their right to an education. Learn how the IEP/special education process works, what the school […]

Readily Accessible Lawyering for CARE Court Respondents


Join Claudia Center and Kavya Parthiban from Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund (DREDF) for a one-hour training on readily accessible lawyering for counsel representing CARE Court respondents. This session […]

Section 504 and Public Schools: Creating Access, Removing Barriers


Section 504 is an important antidiscrimination disability civil rights law. This webinar focuses on how this law is implemented in schools, how to ensure schools develop a 504 plan for eligible students that meets the purpose and intent of the law, that it is individualized to provide equal access to educational opportunity, and what to […]

Maximizing Participation of the Entire IEP Team for Better Student Outcomes – A Two-Part Series


Maximizing the participation of the entire IEP team is essential for creating an effective and individualized educational program. By valuing and integrating the perspectives and expertise of all team members, the IEP process becomes more inclusive, responsive, and successful in meeting the unique needs of each student. In this two-part webinar series, Melanie Reese, Director […]

IEP Basics and Beyond


If a child has a disability or suspected disability, important state and federal laws protect their right to an education. Learn how the IEP/special education process works, what the school […]