Adult Transition: The Big Leap
ZoomThis webinar focuses on supporting disabled youth, and how to partner with and support them to develop a plan for life after high school that is individualized to their goals, […]
This webinar focuses on supporting disabled youth, and how to partner with and support them to develop a plan for life after high school that is individualized to their goals, […]
Este seminario web se centra en el apoyo a los jóvenes con discapacidades y en cómo colaborar con ellos y ayudarles a desarrollar un plan para la vida después del […]
If a child has a disability or suspected disability, important state and federal laws protect their right to an education. Learn how the IEP/special education process works, what the school […]
This webinar focuses on what to do when problems arise for students with IEPs, how parents can address them in partnership with schools as early as possible, and what their options are if that process breaks down. You will learn about challenging evaluations, addressing discrimination, alternative dispute resolution, mediation, hearings, state and local compliance complaints, […]
Es importante saber lo que “ofrece” un programa educativo individualizado a un estudiante con discapacidades. En este taller hablaremos cómo entender que el IEP este correcto, completo, apropiado, cumpla con la ley, y sea portátil. También hablaremos de los niveles actuales de rendimiento, desempeño educativo, metas y objetivos anuales. Debe registrarse con anticipación para […]
If a child has a disability or suspected disability, important state and federal laws protect their right to an education. Learn how the IEP/special education process works, what the school […]
This webinar focuses on the importance of learning effective advocacy in schools so that students with disabilities have IEP teams that are collaborative, solution oriented and focused on using the […]
Este seminario web se centra en la importancia de aprender las escuelas eficaces de defensa para que los estudiantes con discapacidad tienen equipos de IEP que son de colaboración, orientada […]