Report covers

Know Your Rights for Protestors with Disabilities Guides Release

Cover for Know Your Rights for Disabled Protesters Guide with a black and white photograph of disabled protesters in front of the Capitol Rotunda with a Capitol Police truck in front of them. The logos for DLR, DREDF and CLDC are at the bottom with the date of publication August 2024.   Cover of the Pocket Guide


Today, Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, Disability Law United, and Civil Liberties Defense Center released two “Know Your Rights” guides for protestors with disabilities. The Protesting While Disabled Pocket Guide is a short, plain language guide to give protestors with disabilities a quick overview of things to consider. The Know Your Rights for Protestors with Disabilities Guide is a longer, comprehensive guide that is organized by stages of the protest including: Before the Protest, During the Protest, and Police Interactions. It also includes a brief overview of disabled people’s history of protest in the United States.