Screenshot from webinar that reads

No Protest Without Us: Tips and Tools for Protestors with Disabilities

Webinar Recording

The disability rights movement has a history of using radical and effective protest tactics to achieve lasting change, and disabled people have been and continue to be an essential part of all civil rights movements. Actions such as the ‘Capitol Crawl’ and Section 504 Sit-ins illustrate the importance of including people with disabilities in protest efforts of all kinds.

This webinar outlines what to expect as a protestor with a disability before and throughout a protest, as well as during potential police interactions. Longtime disability justice activist, Anita Cameron, and Cop City protestor and jail support organizer Adele MacLean, share stories and wisdom from their many years of direct action. The webinar also includes information for organizers to use while planning accessible protests. This training is meant to help disabled protestors understand their rights and best practices while participating in an action – as well as ideas for organizers to make protests more accessible – and is not a substitute for legal advice.


  • Anita Cameron, Disability Justice Activist with 43 years of organizing experience; Director of Minority Outreach, Not Dead Yet
  • Adele MacLean, Activist with Atlanta Solidarity Fund
  • Sinjita Bhattacharya, Legal Intern, Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund (DREDF)
  • Aviance Brown, Staff Attorney, Disability Law United
  • Jillian MacLeod, Legal Fellow, DREDF
  • Lauren Regan, Director of Litigation & Advocacy, Civil Liberties Defense Center (CLDC)


  • Ally Cline, Paralegal, DREDF
  • Carrie Tully, Director of Fundraising and Engagement, CLDC
