
Arkansas’ Harsh Medicaid Work Requirement Confirms Fears of Disabled Enrollees

  • Arkansas
  • Medicaid
  • Work Requirement


The ADA Is Under Serious Attack! Tell the House of Representatives to OPPOSE H.R. 620

  • Civil Rights
  • Disability Rights
  • H.R. 620
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act

Press Release

DREDF and LAFLA Reach First Settlements in Section 8 Discrimination Case

General, Press Release

Orange County Residents Sue County and State Agencies

  • Department of Health Care Services
  • Healthcare
  • Medi-Cal
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act


Breaking the School-to-Prison Pipeline for Students with Disabilities

  • Arlene Mayerson
  • Robert Borrelle
  • School-to-Prison Pipeline
  • STPP

Press Release

Legal Claim Seeks Changes After Black Disabled Student is Handcuffed in Moreno Valley School District

  • Restraint and Seclusion


How Trump’s Public Charge Changes Hurt People with Disabilities

  • Civil Rights
  • Disability Rights
  • Imigration

Press Release

Amicus Brief Filed in U.S. Supreme Court Case Emphasizes Importance of Testers to ADA Enforcement


East County NAACP Sues Antioch Unified School District

  • Civil Rights
  • Disability Rights
  • Equal Rights
  • Human Rights
  • School-to-Prison Pipeline
  • STPP

Press Release

DREDF and TLDEF File Claims Against TSA for Discrimination Against Transgender Couple with Disabilitiesย