Public Comment

DREDF Comment on ACA Exchange Surveys

  • ACA
  • Affordable Care Act
  • Exchanges
  • Healthcare
  • US Department of Health and Human Services

Public Comment

Comments Concerning Removing Regulatory Barriers for Vehicles with Automated Driving Systems

Public Comment

Comments Submitted Concerning Removing Barriers to Transit Bus Automation

  • Transit Bus Automation

Public Comment

DREDF Submits Comment for Proposed Rule Under Section 504

Public Comment

Comments on Updated California Reporting Requirements

  • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
  • CMS
  • Programmatic Access


DREDF Calls for Effective Communication in COVID Treatment

  • Accessibility
  • Communication
  • COVID-19
  • Healthcare
  • Language


Letter to the Board of Directors of CVS Health

  • CVS
  • Section 504

Public Comment

DREDF Opposes HIV Criminalization

Public Comment

DREDF Submits Comments to Senate HELP Committee on Long COVID


Payan v LACCD Explainer