Request for Educational Records


[Your Name]
[Your Email]
[Your Telephone Number]

[Name of the Director of Special Education]
[Email for the Director of Special Education]
[Name of Your Childs School District]

[Name of School Principal]
[School Name]
[School Address]
[Principals Email]

[Name of Child]
[Date of Birth]

Dear [Administrator Name],

I am writing to request that you provide copies of all my child’s educational/school records within five business days, as required by Cal. Ed. Code Sec. 49069. I would like copies of both the cumulative file and special education file, and any other records kept, including but not limited to any files related to behavioral concerns, testing and academic progress, health and safety, and disciplinary actions.

[Optional] Paying for copies would constitute a financial hardship. Please provide copies at no charge to protect my right to educational records.

I will call or email to arrange to pick up these records


Please send the records to the address above.

Please let me know that you got this letter. Thank you for your assistance.


[Your Name]