No Secrets in Healthcare Reform! Demand that the Senate #ShowUsTheBill

June 20, 2017
Senate Republicans are meeting in private to discuss proposed provisions of the AHCA at their caucus lunch from 12:30 to 2 pm Eastern. In a highly controversial and widely criticized move, the Senate has kept details of the bill secret, and indications are that they will not share specifics with the public until just before the vote.

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Take Action! The AHCA is a Very Bad Idea for People with Disabilities

March 22, 2017
The AHCA will place the lives of children and adults with disabilities at risk.
Medicaid home and community-based services make it possible for Alana Theriault to work, live in her own home with her partner, spend time with friends, and be active in her community. If the American Health Care Act passes, all of that is at risk. Her life could be at risk.

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