UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

June 9, 2012
The CRPD is a non-discrimination treaty seeking to achieve the same goals as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other existing disability laws in United States: to empower individuals with disabilities to achieve economic self-sufficiency, independent living, inclusion and integration into all aspects of society.

Health Equity and Accountability Act

June 1, 2012
The Health Equity and Accountability Act recognizes that additional steps must be taken to specifically address health care disparities and provides additional tools necessary to address and eliminate health and health care disparities experienced by minority and underserved communities. It is an important move towards creating a sustainable health care system that can pave the road to health equity.

GREAT Teachers and Principals Act

February 27, 2012
The Coalition for Teaching Quality has put forth a set of principles for ESEA reauthorization around preparing and supporting effective educators. Among these principles is a belief that all students are entitled to teachers who are qualified (fully prepared and fully certified), as well as effective; that preparation programs should be held to common, high standards; and that investments should be made in proven methods to recruit, prepare, develop, and retain fully prepared and effective teachers in shortage fields and hard-to-staff schools. S. 1250 undermines these principles.

Student Success Act

February 6, 2012
Rather than continuing to support students with disabilities in achieving a high school diploma and pursuing employment and postsecondary education, the elimination of the 1% regulation virtually encourages schools to expect less from students with disabilities.