Our 34th Anniversary Celebration
Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 5:30-8:00PM, Ed Roberts Campus, 3075 Adeline Street, Berkeley, California
Disability and technology both make us recalculate how we live our lives, and we know there’s an intersection where they meet. But technology is constantly evolving, and disability is infinitely variable. Join us for a thoughtful discussion about emerging technology, its benefits for people with all types of disabilities, and what is driving innovation that increases accessibility.
Leading the Discussion:
Ken Harrenstien
Senior Software Engineer,
Joshua A. Miele
Associate Scientist,
The Smith–Kettlewell Eye Research Institute
Howard A. Rosenblum
Executive Director,
National Association of the Deaf
In conversation with Arlene B. Mayerson
Directing Attorney,
Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund
National Association of the Deaf
Represented by Howard A. Rosenblum
Executive Director
In honor of NAD’s unyielding commitment to making technology available to all, as demonstrated in their perseverance in Netflix case that ensures the company will caption streaming video and that has set an important legal precedent regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
A.J. Smaldone Award
for Legal Advocacy
Kathi Pugh, Pro Bono Counsel (retired), Morrison & Foerster, LLP
In honor of her commitment to advancing the role of lawyers with disabilities, including new generations of advocates with disabilities, as well as her distinguished career that has served the public interest and has resulted in greater access to legal services for the community.
DREDF is deeply grateful
to our early sponsors:
The Manuel D. and Rhoda Mayerson Foundation
Morrison & Foerster, LLP/The Morrison & Foerster Foundation
Lewis, Feinberg, Lee, Renaker & Jackson, P.C.
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
San Francisco 49ers
Shartsis Friese LLP
Rosen, Bien, Galvan & Grunfeld LLP
Oracle Corporation
Boxer & Gerson
Civil Rights Education and Enforcement Center
Goldstein, Borgen, Dardarian & Ho
Jet Li
SEIU Local 721
Richard Thesing/Mobility Golf
Ellice Sperber
Paul Bendix
Sally Swanson Architects, Inc.
San Francisco Giants
Susan Henderson and Dave Nold
Stanley Yarnell and Victor Rowley
Julia Epstein and Betsy Sandel
Ann McDonald–Cacho
Howard Chabner and Michele DeSha
Alison Seevak
Eugene Feldman, Attorney at Law
George Steneberg
Kathi Pugh
Shelley Bergum and Marc Krizack
Sorenson Communications
Yoshiko Dart
Ingrid Tischer and Ken Stein
Paul Grossman and Janet Mitani
Lainey Feingold and Randy Shaw
The Law Offices of Stephen Dale
Thomas Lakritz
Arnold Lerner
Maggie and Larry Roffee
Jones Bothwell Dion & Thompson