DREDF, on behalf of the Aging and Disability Partnership for Managed Long Term Services and Supports
Presented three free live webcasts that took place on August 27, September 24 and October 14, 2015.
The webinar recordings, transcripts and slides can be accessed below.
Promising Collaborations Between IL Centers, ADRCs, and Medicaid Managed Care Plans
August 27, 2015
Ana Acton
FREED Executive Director, Grass Valley, California
Pam Miller
Executive Director, Area 4 Agency on Aging, Sacramento, California
Silvia Yee
Senior Attorney, DREDF, Berkeley, California
Mary Lou Breslin
Senior Policy Advisor, DREDF, Berkeley, California
Transcript (DOCX)
Slides (PPTX)
Promising Practices: A Preliminary Report on the LifeLong Complex Care Initiative
September 24, 2015
Thomas Gregory
Deputy Director of Programs and Operations, Center for Independent Living,
Berkeley, California
Kathryn Stambaugh
Geriatric Services Director, LifeLong Medical Center, Berkeley, California
Silvia Yee
Senior Attorney, DREDF, Berkeley, California
Mary Lou Breslin
Senior Policy Advisor, DREDF, Berkeley, California
Transcript (DOCX)
Slides (PPTX)
A Promising Collaboration: Access to Independence and Care1st Health Plan San Diego, California
October 14, 2015
Louis Frick
Executive Director, Access to Independence, San Diego, California
Pamela M. Mokler
Vice President, Long Term Services & Supports, Care1st Health Plan, Monterey Park, California
Silvia Yee
Senior Attorney, DREDF, Berkeley, California
Mary Lou Breslin
Senior Policy Advisor, DREDF, Berkeley, California
Transcript (DOCX)
Slides (PPTX)