Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Kentucky, Inc., v. Ella Williams

DREDF filed an amicus curiae brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Kentucky, Inc., v. Ella Williams on behalf of the National Council on Disability. The case involved a worker who, upon developing carpal tunnel syndrome was reassigned from her job as an assembly line to other positions, where she performed satisfactorily. Eventually, Toyota required Williams to perform additional manual tasks, whereupon her pain reappeared. Williams requested an accommodation of her company-diagnosed medical condition and a return to her previous job as paint inspector. Williams stopped going to work and Toyota fired her.

Issued on January 8, 2002, the Supreme Court unanimously agreed that Ms. Williams’ continuing ability to perform such tasks as brushing her teeth, bathing and some household chores disqualified her from fitting within the ADA’s definition of disability, and therefore precluded her from claiming a right to reasonable accommodation from her employer.

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