Watch Party | Change, not Charity: The Americans with Disabilities Act

Ed Roberts Campus 3075 Adeline Street, Berkeley, CA, United States

The Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF) and the Center for Independent Living (CIL) invite you to a special screening and discussion of Change, Not Charity: The Americans with Disabilities Act.   Change, Not Charity tells the powerful story of the decades-long push for disability rights that led to the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act […]

Improving Access to Abortion for People with Disabilities: Lessons from the Disability and Abortion Access Survey


Jillian MacLeod, DREDF's Legal Fellow will be presenting alongside Amanda Spriggs Reid from Women Enabled International in a webinar hosted by Disability Rights New York about improving access to abortion for people with disabilities.   People with disabilities in the United States have historically been and continue to be denied their right to make their own […]

Adult Transition: The Big Leap


This webinar focuses on supporting disabled youth, and how to partner with and support them to develop a plan for life after high school that is individualized to their goals, interests and priorities. All are welcome to attend, but youth aged 13-22 are especially encouraged to attend.   You must register in advance for this […]

Our Future of Disability Advocacy: A Panel of Bay Area Disability Leaders


Join us for a virtual event featuring Executive Directors from four Bay Area disability advocacy organizations. This conversation will be about the future of disability advocacy, what work each organization is focusing on and plans to continue, and will provide insights into the current state of disability advocacy, particularly in light of the recent changes […]

Transición de Adultos: El Gran Salto


Este seminario web se centra en el apoyo a los jóvenes con discapacidades y en cómo colaborar con ellos y ayudarles a desarrollar un plan para la vida después del colegio que se adapte a sus objetivos, intereses y prioridades. Todos están invitados a asistir, pero se anima especialmente a los jóvenes de 13 a […]

National ADAPT Action in D.C.

  Join the Campaign!   Fill out this National ADAPT Rally Sign Up Form to RSVP.   CONTACT/ RSVP   Dillon Warren: (620) 605-8045   Mike […]

Mother’s Day Rally in D.C.

  Join the Campaign!   Sign Language interpretation will be provided. This rally will only succeed with your financial support and attendance. Be part of the success! Donate for the […]

IEP Basics and Beyond


If a child has a disability or suspected disability, important state and federal laws protect their right to an education. Learn how the IEP/special education process works, what the school […]

Educacion Especial para Estudiantes Discapacidades: Lo Esencial


Esta capacitación básica es para padres y profesionales en cómo abogar por un estudiante con discapacidades, sospechada de discapacidad o desafíos educativos. Platicaremos de evaluaciones, metas, servicios, colocación y destrezas […]

Solving Problems in Special Education


This webinar focuses on what to do when problems arise for students with IEPs, how parents can address them in partnership with schools as early as possible, and what their […]