#FundDisAdvocacy Twitter Chat, Disability Advocacy and Philanthropy

Join the Twitter chat with DREDF Development Director and A Crip in Philanthropy blogger Ingrid Tischer and Alice Wong of the Disability Visibility Project on Friday, October 12, 2018, 4 pm Pacific: #FundDisAdvocacy.

No Roll-Backs On My Civil Rights: A Past Plaintiff on Opposing H.R. 620, the ADA Notification Act

Ingrid TischerI'm Ingrid Tischer. You may remember me as "headless female torso using a walker" from Anderson Cooper's "ADA Hit-Piece of Horror" on 60 Minutes. But I'm here today to tell you about a different type of horror: Being a plaintiff in an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) lawsuit, in which you're presumed greedy and where whatever happened to you was no more than an inconvenience.

Insulin in Schools: A Child’s Right

Teacher with studentsWe're so proud to share Insulin in Schools: A Child's Right, a film made by DREDF friends Barbara Wright and Jonathan Mahmoud.

As you may know, in 2013 the California Supreme Court ruled that state law permits school personnel to be trained to administer insulin. The Wright family was part of this long–fought battle in the courts that vindicated the rights of students with diabetes to get insulin quickly and without having to wait for a school nurse. Continue reading

FIXED: East Bay Premiere at the ERC

Lisa Simpson with BracesI've now seen Regan Brashear's wonderfully thought-provoking documentary, Fixed: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement, twice, most recently, last night at the DREDF co-sponsored screening here at the Ed Roberts Campus. To my surprise, I'm accepting that I may well be "transhuman" or "The Six Million Dollar Co-Payment."
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