
Events in July–August 2024

  • - IDEA and Administrative Exhaustion -- Case Law Roundup
    IDEA and Administrative Exhaustion -- Case Law Roundup

    IDEA and Administrative Exhaustion -- Case Law Roundup

    July 18, 2024

    Public interest lawyers bringing cases in state and federal court seeking individual remedies or systemic changes for K-12 students with disabilities must grapple with administrative exhaustion, no matter the claims alleged. This training will analyze the latest 9th Circuit and California state case law on when exhaustion of administrative remedies is required, satisfied, or excused under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and its California corollary. The presenters will incorporate their experience and practical strategies from their latest lawsuits.

    You must register in advance for this training:

    Registration Link

  • - Special Education: Advocacy Skills
    Special Education: Advocacy Skills

    Special Education: Advocacy Skills

    August 12, 2024

    Good advocacy skills help parents obtain the supports their children need. Learn skills to ensure that IEP members truly hear your perspective, take you seriously, and know that you understand the IEP process and your rights.

    You must register in advance for this training:

    Registration Link

  • - Educación Especial: Consejos de Defensa
    Educación Especial: Consejos de Defensa

    Educación Especial: Consejos de Defensa

    August 26, 2024

    26 de agosto, 2024

    Tener habilidad de defensa ayuda a los padres a obtener el apoyo que sus hijos necesitan. Aprenda a poder ser escuchado por los miembros del equipo de la escuela y que realmente tengan en cuenta su punto de vista, lo tomen en serio y entiendan que usted conoce el proceso de IEP al igual que sus derechos.

    Debe registrarse con anticipación para esta capacitación:

    Enlace de registro
