Special Education

Black Child with Disabilities Handcuffed, Forcibly Detained by Moreno Valley School Police

July 15, 2020
(Riverside, CA) – On July 15, 2020, Disability Rights California, Barajas & Rivera APC, and Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund submitted a tort claim to the Moreno Valley Unified School District (MVUSD) on behalf of an 11-year-old Black student with disabilities who was discriminated against by school police. The claim gives formal notice to the District of the harm that the student endured and seeks to eliminate such discriminatory disciplinary practices and replace them with meaningful accommodations that protect and support not only students with disabilities, but all students.

In Appreciation of 40 Years of Leadership by our Directing Attorney Arlene Mayerson

February 12, 2020
The Board of Directors and staff of the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund express our profound appreciation to Arlene Mayerson who has decided to step away from her position as founding Directing Attorney after 40 years. Arlene has led DREDF's legal efforts with brilliance, integrity and compassion. Starting her career when disability rights law was nascent, she played a key role not only in developing and passing the seminal disability rights laws of the last four decades, but also in conceptualizing disability law's equality principles.

Ninth Circuit Takes California Department Of Education (CDE) To Task

December 15, 2016
The Ninth Circuit affirmed U.S. Northern California District Court Judge Thelton Henderson's orders that the California Department of Education (CDE) must implement a corrective action plan designed to ensure that its special education monitoring system would comply with the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Consent Decree in the case, a class action brought to protect the special education rights of students with disabilities. The decision is the culmination of nearly 20 years of attempting to reform failed local and state-level special education policies.

FREE Special Education Clinic

May 14, 2014
DREDF is holding a free special education clinic for Yolo County residents on Friday, June 6th, at the Woodland Public Library - 250 1st St., Woodland, CA. The clinic will run from 1 to 5 p.m. and appointments are highly recommended. If you are a Yolo county resident and have questions or concerns regarding your child's education, call and make an appointment today.

Arlene Mayerson Interviewed for Investigative Report

November 15, 2013
No More Delay and Deny
“For parents, there’s an absolute feeling of betrayal. The system is not working the way it’s supposed to work," said DREDF Directing Attorney Arlene Mayerson in this in-depth investigative story by NBC Bay Area News on the state of special education. Focusing on the problem of public schools' tactic of "delay and deny," the piece features Mayerson and Education Advocate Ann McDonald-Cacho.

DREDF represents the American Diabetes Association in the California Supreme Court

May 28, 2013
DREDF is representing the American Diabetes Association (ADA) with co–counsel Reed Smith, LLP, as intervenor in a case of critical importance to California schoolchildren with diabetes and their rights to diabetes health related services in school and during school–sponsored activities. The case is set for hearing before the California Supreme Court on May 29, 2013, and a decision will issue within 90 days.