Health Advocates Defend ACA in Fifth Circuit Oral Argument

July 12, 2019
On July 9, 2019, the U.S. Court of the Appeals for the Fifth Circuit heard oral argument in the latest lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The three-judge panel critically questioned the lawyers defending the ACA, leaving advocates concerned that the circuit court may uphold the district court ruling invalidating the health care law.

DREDF Rejects Attempt by Trump Administration to Reverse Progress on School Safety

December 19, 2018
On December 18, the Trump Administration's Federal Commission on School Safety released its recommendation to remove 2014 guidance issued by the Education Department and the Department of Justice to eliminate disparities in school discipline. This guidance came about after a comprehensive review and study and talking extensively to all stakeholders seeking to interrupt the disgraceful and disproportionate suspension of students of color and disabled students from school.

Support SB 1376 for full access to Uber and Lyft

Immediate Action Needed For Full Access to Uber and Lyft:
Support SB 1376 (Hill) “The TNC Access for All Act”

To California disability advocates:

Just about everyone knows that Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) such as Uber and Lyft nearly always fail to provide wheelchair-accessible vehicles (WAVs).

Though too few of us know that California Senator Jerry Hill has a bill to change that!

While TNCs have provided access to many in the disability community, especially for Deaf and Blind individuals, what is currently lacking—and what SB 1376 addresses—is the lack of TNC access for wheelchair [...] 

Use Social Media to Stop HR 620 and Save the ADA!

February 13, 2018
People across the nation are taking to social media to send the message #HandsOffMyADA. It’s up to us to show Congress and the rest of America that the ADA is worth protecting because nobody should be left out or forced to wait for equal access. Any bill that tries to change that must be stopped.

Urgent: New Information on How to SAVE the ADA!

February 8, 2018
Next Wednesday, February 14 or Thursday, February 15, the House of Representatives is likely to vote on H.R. 620, a dangerous bill that seeks to reverse nearly three decades of civil rights protections for people with disabilities. H.R. 620 not only allows equal access violators to keep breaking the law, it rewards them for it!

Urgent: Save the ADA! House will vote NEXT WEEK on H.R.620

February 7, 2018
Big business is trying to bamboozle the House and the American public into an unnecessary law misleadingly titled the "ADA Education and Reform Act of 2017" (H.R.620) that would make it even harder for disabled Americans who have been "holding it," waiting to use the same restrooms, shop at the same department stores, and eat at the same restaurants as our non-disabled friends and family members, for almost 30 years!

Defeat the GOP #TaxOnDisability!

December 4, 2017
The House and the Senate need to reconcile differences found in their version of the different tax bills by going to conference. They can also decide to forego that process and simply vote on the Senate version instead. We're told that House Representatives could vote as early as TODAY, Monday, December 4th.