DREDF’s 2018-19 Agenda

For 40 years, DREDF has worked in coalition to create a better world for disabled people and our families. We’ll continue to resist any efforts to leverage a time of turbulence to undermine or simply forget disability civil rights, access standards, and commitments to inclusion. Our work is far from finished. Fortunately, none of us is in this fight alone.

DREDF’s 2018-19 Agenda: Our 40th Year of Service, Leadership, and System Change

Central to DREDF’s agenda for our 40th year of disability law and policy leadership is our ongoing battle against any new or ongoing crisis that tries to push us back into a world filled with the same old deadly discrimination. We’ll be working collaboratively with disability and civil rights groups across the country, from our Berkeley headquarters and our DC office, to advance a strong issue agenda, backed by impact litigation, policy development, regulatory vigilance, media advocacy, and Know Your Rights special education trainings. 

Civil Rights – Upholding and strengthening the ADA

  • Opposing ADA notification legislation such as HR 620
  • Advocating for access to new technologies
  • Advocating for the rights of service and emotional support animal users
  • Opposing weakening ADA and airline requirements, service animal harmonization guidance requirements passed in the FAA Reauthorization


  • Advocating for a free and appropriate education for all disabled students
  • Advocating for full civil rights protections for all students, including students with disabilities, low income and students of color and LGBTQ students

Healthcare – Health Equity, Affordable Care Act, and Electronic Medical Records

  • Defending Medicaid, opposing work requirements, and continuing the pursuit for equitable access to healthcare for disabled people, people who are low income, people of color, and LGBTQ people
  • Opposing any weakening of the ACA and coverage for individuals with pre-existing conditions
  • Advocating for inclusion of functional limitation questions in EMRs

Emergency Preparedness and Management

  • Continue advocating for emergency preparedness measures ensuring rights and accommodations for disabled, detained, imprisoned, and high risk people affected by weather and other crises
  • Support Disaster Recovery Reform requirements for study of evacuation routes
  • In California: Continue documenting service and access gaps in emergency, transitional, and permanent housing, building on our 2018 Disability and Homelessness Programs Guide

Community Living – Access to Affordable, Accessible Housing

  • Supporting immediate implementation of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing guidance
  • In California: Continue with our 3-year grant from the California State Bar to end homelessness and improve emergency preparedness for Californians with disabilities

Affordable, Accessible Transportation – Autonomous Vehicles (AV) and Mobility on Demand

  • Supporting anti-discriminatory licensing and disability advisory provisions in AV START Act
  • Advocating for equivalent and integrated access across all modes (including Uber, bike-share, AV fleets)
  • Adequate funding for public transit and infrastructure

Thank you for considering a gift that will fuel DREDF’s advocacy for the world we collectively envision. Be assured that every donation keeps us independent as an advocacy organization.